Joris Eijmberts

Turning crazy ideas into games!


Concept art created by, Maarten Pelders

Naumachia is a third person space shooter that takes place in the distant future. Where bloodsport is one of the biggest events happing around the world.

A little background info

Naumachia was created as part of a school assignment back in January 2018. At first school handed out a couple of assignments to the project groups of that semester. After reading the assignment handed to me I came up with the idea to just create my own assignment for that semester.

After persuading a teacher into becoming our client, and assembling a team for the project school agreed to letting us create our own project.

And so with me as project lead and Luuk Waarbroek as client, Naumachia was born.

What is Naumachia

Naumachia is a 1v1 local multiplayer space shooter where player fight each other whilst dogging and weaving through an arena filled with all kinds of obstacles.

When playing a player can pickup power ups like extra health, rockets etc.

During development we worked together with an artist that worked for Luuk at his game studio. He also created the awesome concept art shown at the top of this page.


As part of finishing the assignment we also created a trailer for the game.